Summer Running - Dealing with the heat

July 07, 2022


1. Start your summer workouts slowly

1. Start slowly and give your body the chance to adapt to these high temperatures.  You won’t necessarily be used to training in this kind of heat so it’s very important to take things step by step and slowly increase your intensity

2. Avoid the midday sun

Avoid running in the midday heat and head out in the morning or evening instead, these times of day will be cooler and selecting the correct time of day for your training in essential in summer months.

3. Select the right routes

Try changing up your run routes to avoid the blazing hot sun and find somewhere where there is some shade to run in.  Avoiding concrete and asphalt is a good idea also as these will only transfer heat to you and increase your heart rate even further.  Running in the woods under shady trees is always a great summer running tip!

4. Don’t push yourself

Remember, you’re not used to training and performing in this summer heat, so don’t push yourself too much.  It’s completely normal to not be able to perform at your normal level in such high temperatures so if you’re feeling dizzy or out of breath, stop immediately and find some shade.  Slow small sips of water will also help, which leads us to….

5. Staying hydrated!

It seems obvious but drinking regularly throughout the day is essential to keeping healthy and fighting fit in the summer heat.  Make sure to bring water with you on a run or you’re your run route to pass a drinking fountain for example.  It is essential to drink plenty of water when jogging in the heat, as your body tries to lower your core body temperature by sweating more. This causes you to lose fluids and minerals, so replacing them is very important.

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