Looking for a UK Triathlon Club? Check them out here!

February 23, 2019


So if you are keen on getting in to triathlon and want to find a club close to you to join, check out the below.


Bath Amphibians Triathlon Club www.bathamphibians.co.uk
Bristol & District Triathletes (Bad Tri) www.badtri.org
Kingswood Tri Club (Bristol) www.kingswoodtriclub.co.uk
PAC-Tri www.pac-tri.com
Somer AC Tri www.somerac.org.uk
Team Easy Runner www.teameasyrunner.co.uk
Total Fitness Bath www.totalfitnessbath.co.uk
Votwo.co.uk Racing Team www.votwo.co.uk
Weston Athletic Club www.westonac.co.uk
www.driventotri.com www.driventotri.com


Bedford Harriers AC
Bedford Traktors Tri Club www.bedfordtraktors.co.uk/
Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club www.bedsroad.org/
Boxfit www.boxfit-luton.co.uk/
Freedom Tri www.freedomtri.co.uk/
Icknield Road Club www.icknield-roadclub.org.uk/
Leighton Buzzard Triathlon Club www.lbtri.org.uk


Berkshire Tri Squad www.berkshiretrisquad.co.uk
Evolution Tri (EVO TRI) Windsor www.evotri.co.uk
Team Kennet www.teamkennet.com
Thames Valley Triathletes www.thamesvalleytriathletes.co.uk/
Wellington College www.wellingtoncollege.org.uk/page.aspx?id=7130
Amersham Tristars www.amershamtristars.co.uk
Gnarly Nutters www.gnarlynutters.co.uk
High Wycombe Triathlon Club www.rickkiddle.com
Marlow Striders www.marlowstriders.co.uk
Team Milton Keynes www.teammk.com
Ten-Point Triathlon Team www.ten-point.co.uk
Padarn Tri Club


Cambridge Triathlon Club www.cambridgetriathlonclub.com/
Cambridge University Triathlon Club www.srcf.ucam.org/cutri/
Pactrac - Peterborough Area Combined Triathlon www.pactrac.co.uk/
Channel Islands www.jerseytriclub.com
Jersey Triathlon Club


City of Chester Triathlon Club www.chestertri.org.uk
Knutsford Triathlon Club www.knutsfordtriclub.co.uk
Scarab Triathlon Club www.scarabtri.co.uk
Warrington Tri Club www.warringtontri.org.uk/


Cleveland Triathlon Club www.clevelandtriathlon.co.uk
Hartlepool Triathletes.com www.hartlepooltriathletes.com


Wrecsam Tri Club www.wrecsamtri.org.uk


Carneddau Triathlon Club www.carneddautriathlon.com


Bude RATs ( Run and Tri Club) www.buderats.co.uk
East Cornwall Harriers (ECTC) www.eastcornwallharriers.com
Gyllyngvase Surf Rescue and Triathlon Club www.gyllysurf.org.uk
Mounts Bay Harriers www.mountsbayharriers.co.uk
One and All Cycling www.oneandallcycling.co.uk
Perranporth SLSC www.perranporthslsc.org.uk
St Austell Triathletes www.tri-logiccornwall.co.uk
Tri Logic Cornwall

County Durham

Darlington Triathlon Club www.darlingtontri.com
Durham Triathlon Club www.Durhamtri.org
Durham University Triathlon Club www.teamdurhamtriathlon.com
East Coast Tri www.eastcoasttri.co.uk


Arragons Cumbrian Tri Club www.arragonscycles.com
CarlisleTri Club www.carlisle-tri.com
Genr8 www.genr8online.com
Tri-Lakeland www.trilakeland.org.uk
Westmorland Triathletes


Derby Triathlon Club www.derbytriathlonclub.co.uk/
High Peak Triathlon Club www.highpeaktri.org/


Exeter Triathlon Club www.exetertri.co.uk
North Devon Triathletes www.northdevontri.co.uk
Plymouth Tri Club www.plymouthtriclub.co.uk
BustinSkin www.bustinskin.com
Dorset Police Triathlon Section
North Dorset Tri www.northdorsettriclub.sm4.biz
Primera-bournemouth.co.uk www.primera-bournemouth.co.uk
Ride bike - Synergy Action www.synergyaction.eu
Tavistock Triathlon Club www.tavistocktriathlonclub.co.uk
Zoom Triathlon Club www.zoomtri.com


Llanelli Athletic & Triathlon Club llanellitriathlon.org.uk
Ystwyth CC www.ystwythcc.org.uk

East Sussex

1066 Triathletes
Bodyworks XTC Ltd www.teambodyworksxtc.com
Brighton College www.brightoncollege.net
Brighton Phoenix Tri www.brightonphoenix.org.uk
Brighton Tri Club www.brightontri.org
Crowborough Tri Club http://www.crowboroughtri.org/
G.P. Triathlon www.gptriathlon.co.uk
St Mary's Tri Club
Team Lifestyle www.teamlifestyle.co.uk

East Yorkshire

3xTri www.3xtri.com/academy
Barracuda Triathlon Club www.barracudatriclub.com


Benfleet Running Club www.benfleetrunningclub.com/
Blackwater Triathlon Club www.blackwatertri.org.uk/
Born 2 Tri www.born2tri.org.uk/
Clacton Triathlon Club www.clactontriathlon.co.uk/
Dunmow Triathlon Club www.dunmowtri.co.uk/
East Essex Tri Club www.east-essex-triclub.co.uk/
Farrow Triathlon Club www.farrowtriclub.co.uk/
Great Bentley Running Club www.gbrc.co.uk
Harwich Runners www.harwichrunners.co.uk/
Springfield Striders www.springfieldstriders.org.uk/
Team Viper www.triathlonworld.co.uk/
Tri Sport Epping www.trisportepping.co.uk/
Walden Tri www.waldentri.co.uk
Witham Running Club www.withamrc.org.uk


Cheltenham Triathlon Club www.cheltenhamtri.org.uk
Cirencester Triathlon Club www.cirencester-ac.org.uk
Hogweed Trotters www.hogweedtrotters.co.uk
Tewkesbury Triathlon Club www.tewkesburytriathlon.co.uk
Thornbury Running Club www.thornburyrunningclub.co.uk
Tri Team Glos www.triteamglos.co.uk
Yate Tri-Stars www.yatetristars.org.uk


Guernsey Triathlon Club www.gsytriclub.org.gg


Gwent Triathlon Club
N.E.W.T - Newport and East Wales Triathlon www.newporttri.co.uk


Harlech Triathlon www.harlechtriathlon.org.uk


Andover Triathlon Club www.andovertriathlon.org.uk
Chapel Tri-Stars www.chapeltri.co.uk
Die Tri-ing
Lymington Triathlon Club www.lymington-triathlon-club-race-ev.wikispaces.com/
Portsmouth Triathletes www.portsmouthtriathletes.co.uk
Southampton Triathlon Club www.southamptontriclub.co.uk
Stubbington Green Runners & AC www.sgrac.net/
Team Feat www.teamfeat.co.uk
Team Synergie Coaching www.synergiecoaching.com
Totton Running Club www.hants.gov.uk/totton
Tri Team Wessex www.triteamwessex.co.uk


Hereford Triathlon Club www.herefordtriathlonclub.co.uk


David Lloyd Watford Tri Club www.watfordtriclub.webeden.co.uk
Hemel Hempstead Cycling Club www.hemelcycling.org.uk/
Hoddesdon Tri Club www.hoddesdontriclub.co.uk
Shorter Rochford Exclusive Ranges Racing Team
Stortford Tri www.bsrc.org.uk/
Team Trisports www.teamtrisports.co.uk/
Tri-Force www.tri-force.org


Grimsby Triathlon Club www.grimsbytri.co.uk

International Clubs

Total Racing International www.totalracingint.com
TriLiving www.triliving.co.uk
Isle of Man
Manx Tri Club www.manxtriclub.com

Isle of Wight

Wight Tri www.wighttri.org.uk


7oaks Triathlon Club www.7oakstriclub.co.uk
Ashford Tri Club www.ashfordtriclub.co.uk
Blackheath & Bromley Harriers Triathlon Club www.blackheathtriclub.org.uk
Dartford & White Oak Triathlon Club www.whiteoaktri.co.uk
Deal Triathlon Club www.dealtri.co.uk
East Kent Triathlon www.eastkenttri.co.uk
Larkfield A.C. www.larkfieldac.co.uk
Ocean Lake Tri www.oceanlaketri.co.uk
Tonbridge Triathlon Club www.tonbridge-triclub.com/
TriSpiritTeam www.trispiritevents.com
Tunbridge Wells Harriers Tri Section www.twharriers.org.uk
Velocity Multisport www.velocity-events.co.uk
VO2 Maximum Racing Team www.vo2maximum.com
Wild Side Racing Club


Bolton Metro Tri Club www.boltonmetrotriclub.com
C.O.L.T (City of Lancaster Triathlon) www.cityoflancastertriathlon.co.uk
Chorley Harriers and Tri www.chorleyharriers.co.uk
Fylde Tri Club www.fyldetriathlonclub.co.uk
Manchester Triathlon Club www.man-tri-club.org.uk
Preston Harriers www.prestonharriers.net
Rochdale Triathlon Club www.rochdaletriclub.com
Scienceinsport.com www.teamsis.com
Tempest Triathlon Club www.tempesttriathlonclub.org
Tri Clan www.triclan.co.uk
Tri Preston www.tripreston.co.uk
Tri Team Wigan www.triteamwigan.co.uk
Leicestershire www.spanglefish.com/1485triclub/
1485 Tri Club
Barrow Runners www.barrowrunners.co.uk
Charnwood Triathlon Club www.charnwoodtriathlon.co.uk/
Leicester TC www.leicestertriathlonclub.co.uk/
Rutland Running Club www.rutlandrunners.co.uk/
Team Dillon www.teamdilloncoaching.com


Lincoln Tri www.lincolntri.co.uk/
Lincsquad www.lincsquad.co.uk
Spalding Triathlon Club www.spaldingtri.co.uk/
Stamford Tri Club www.stamfordtriclub.co.uk/


Bridgtown Cona Testa Tri Team www.bcttt.com
Clapham Chasers www.claphamchasers.co.uk
Crystal Palace Triathletes www.crystalpalace-tri.co.uk
East London Triathletes www.eastlondontriathletes.co.uk
ESC D3 Triathlon www.ealingsc.co.uk
Ful-On Tri www.fulontri.com
Greenwich Tritons www.greenwichtritons.org.uk
Hillingdon Triathletes www.hillingdontriathletes.co.uk
Jetstream Tri Club www.jetstreamtri.com
Kingfisher Triathletes www.kingfishertriathletes.co.uk
Kings College London www.facebook.com/#/group.php?gid=24269013882&ref=ts
London Fields Triathlon Club www.lftriathlon.blogspot.com
London Frontrunners www.londonfrontrunners.org
Mornington Chasers www.chaser.me.uk
MP Adventure Racing Club www.runbikekayak.co.uk
Optima Racing Team www.optimaracingteam.com
Otter Swimming Club www.otterswimming.com
Premier Tri www.premiertri.co.uk
Pro-Vo2 Racing Team www.provo2.com
RG Active Race Team www.rgactiveraceteam.com
Serpentine Running Club www.serpentine.org.uk
South London Swimming Club www.slsc.org.uk
Square Mile Triathlon www.squaremiletriathlon.com
Swim For Tri Ltd www.swimfortri.com
Team Bodylab www.bodylab.co.uk/Sitecontent/Pages2/TeamBodylab.html
Team Natives.co.uk www.natives.co.uk
Team Triathlon Europe www.triathloneurope.com
Thames Turbo Triathlon Club www.thamesturbo.co.uk
Trent Park Running Club www.trentparkrc.org
Tri London www.trilondon.co.uk
Victoria Park Harriers & Tower Hamlets AC www.vphthac.org.uk
Walthamstow Tritons www.walthamstowtritons.org.uk
Wimbledon Windmilers www.windmilers.org.uk


Ashurst Bike Club www.ashurstbc.org.uk
Mersey Tri www.merseytri.org.uk
TheEnduranceCoach www.theendurancecoach.com

Mid Glamorgan

Pencoed Triathlon Club www.pencoedtri.org
Taff Ely Triathlon Club www.taffelytri.org

National Clubs

Army Triathlon www.blackhawkbikes.com
Delucci Retreat www.delucci.co.uk/
National Fire Service Triathlon Section www.firetriuk.co.uk
Prison Service Du-Tri Club http://www.pssa.org.uk/sports-activities/triathlon.htm
RAF Triathlon www.raf.mod.uk/raftriathlon/
Team Wiggle www.wiggleblog.com
Thetrilife.com www.thetrilife.com
TriChi www.trichi.co.uk
TriTalk.co.uk www.tritalk.co.uk
Vegetarian Cycling and Athletic Club www.vcac.vegfolk.co.uk/index.html
Venom Tri


Active Outdoor Sport www.activeoutdoorsport.co.uk/
City of Norwich Triathlon Club www.contriathlonclub.co.uk/
King's Lynn Triathlon Club www.kingslynntriathlonclub.co.uk/
North Norfolk Triathlon Club www.northnorfolktriathlonclub.org.uk/
Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club www.tri-anglia.co.uk/
University of East Anglia Triathlon Club www.ueastudent.com/societies/sportssites/triathlon

North Yorkshire

Craven Energy www.cravenenergy.org/
Kudu Bikes Triathlon Club www.kbtc.co.uk/
NYP Tri www.nyptri.freeuk.com
White Rose Triathletes www.whiterosetri.co.uk
Northamptonshire www.northantstri.co.uk/
Northants Tri Club
Team Just Racing
Wellingborough & district AC www.wdac.org.uk/
Wootton Tri www.woottonroadrunners.co.uk/


Alnwick District Triathlon Club www.alnwicktriathlon.co.uk
One Life Racing - One Life Kids www.oneliferacing.co.uk
Tri Northumberland trinorthumberland.sweat365.com


4Life Tri www.fourlife.com
Absolute Triathlon Club www.absolute-tri.co.uk/
Bramcote Triathlon Club www.broxtowe.gov.uk/leisure
GI Tri www.gi-tri.com/
Mansfield Triathlon Club www.mansfieldtri.com/
Nottingham University Triathlon Squad (NUTS) www.su.nottingham.ac.uk/sports/club/triathlon/
TFN Tri Club www.tfn.org.uk/


BigSkyTri www.bigskytri.co.uk
G.S. Henley www.gshenley.com
Oxford Tri www.oxfordtri.co.uk
Park Club Tri www.parkclub.co.uk
Team Cherwell www.teamcherwell.com/
Vale Tridents www.valetridents.co.uk
Pembrokeshire Triathlon Club www.pembrokeshire-tri.org.uk


Cerist Triathlon Club www.ceristtriathlon.org.uk
Rhondda Triathlon Club www.rhonddatri.com


Ludlow Triathlon Club
Mid Shropshire Wheelers www.midshropshirewheelers.com
OO Tri (Oswestry Olympians) www.ootri.co.uk
SYtri www.sytri.org
Telford Harriers Tri www.telfordharriers.co.uk
Trismart www.trismart.org.uk
Wrekinsport Cycling Club www.wrekinsport.co.uk
Wrekin College Triathlon Club www.wrekincollegesc.co.uk


Crewkerne Triathlon Group www.tribor.org
Somerset R.C. Tri www.somersetrctri.co.uk
Wessex Wizards Triathlon Club www.wessexwizards.com
West Country Triathletes www.westcountrytriathletes.co.uk
South Glamorgan www.cardiffjuniortri.org.uk
Cardiff Junior Tri Club
Tata Steel Multisport Club www.ts-multisport.com

South Yorkshire

Adwick Triathlon Club www.adwicktri.com
Sheffield Triathlon Club www.sheffieldtriclub.com
Team Manvers www.teammanvers.co.uk
The Blue Lagooners Triathlon Club www.bluelagooners.com
www.labicicleta.co.uk www.labicicleta.co.uk


Burntwood Triathlon Club www.burntwoodtriclub.org
Meynell Valley Hunters Triathlon Club www.meynellvalleyhunters.com
Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club www.newcastletriclub.co.uk
Stafford Triathlon Club www.staffordtri.com
Team Chase Race www.chaserace.co.uk


Hadleigh Hares A.C www.hadleighhares.co.uk/
Ipswich Triathlon Club www.ipswich-tri.org/
Newmarket Cycling & Triathlon Club www.newmarketcyclingtriathlon.co.uk/
West Suffolk Wheelers and Triathlon Club www.westsuffolkwheelers.co.uk


Dorking & Mole Valley A.C. www.dmvac.org.uk
Haslemere Border Athletic Club www.hbac.co.uk
Epsom Triathlon Club


Tyne and Wear

Gosforth Road Club www.gosforthroadclub.com
NE31 Tri Club www.ne31.com/
Ryton Tri Club www.ryton-tri.com
Sun City Tri www.suncitytri.com
Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Triathlon Club www.twfire.org
Tyne Triathlon www.tynetri.org


Kenilworth Wheelers www.kenilworthwheelers.co.uk
Leamington C and AC www.leamingtoncyclingandathletics.org.uk
Rugby Triathlon Club www.rugbytriathlon.co.uk
Stratford Athletic Club www.stratfordac.co.uk
Stratford Sharks www.stratfordsharksasc.co.uk

West Glamorgan

Celtictri www.celtictri.com

West Midlands

Birmingham Running And Triathlon (BRAT) Club www.bratclub.co.uk
Black Country Triathletes www.blackcountrytriathletes.co.uk
Cobra Running and Triathlon Club www.cobrarc.co.uk
Coventry Triathletes www.covtri.co.uk
Halesowen Tri www.halesowentri.org
Oldbury Swimming & Triathlon Club www.oldburysc.co.uk
University of Birmingham Triathlon Team www.sport.bham.ac.uk/clubs/triathlon.shtml
Warwick University Triathlon Club www.thetriathlonclub.com

West Sussex

Amphibians2 Tri Club www.a2tri.com
Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club www.cwtc.org.uk
Crawley Triathlon Club www.crawleytriclub.co.uk
East Grinstead Tri Club www.egtri.com
Mid Sussex Triathlon Club www.midsussextriclub.com
Midhurst Milers www.midhurst10k.co.uk/
Steyning Athletic Club www.steyningac.co.uk
Team Rep www.rawenergypursuits.co.uk
The Tom Hills Experience www.teamthe.co.uk
Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club www.tuff-fitty.co.uk
Worthing Swimming Club www.worthingotters.co.uk/

West Yorkshire

Holmfirth Harriers www.holmfirthharriers.com/
Leeds And Bradford Triathlon Club www.lbt.org.uk
Wakefield Triathlon Club www.wakefieldtriclub.co.uk
West Yorkshire Police Triathlon Team


Calne SMaRTT www.smcsports.co.uk
Chippenham & District Wheelers www.chippenhamwheelers.co.uk
Chippenham Harriers www.chippenhamharriers.co.uk
Crickalde Triathlon Club www.crickladetri.net
Highworth Tri Club www.highworthtriathlon.com
Marlborough and District Triathlon Club www.mad-tri.com
Salisbury Tri www.salisburytriclub.co.uk
Swindon Triathlon Club www.swindontriathlonclub.co.uk
TBAS www.thebigadventurestore.com


Absolute Triathlon Worcester www.absolutetriathlonworcester.co.uk
Nemesis www.nemesisgb.com
Redditch Triathletes www.redditchtri.co.uk
Worcester Tri Club www.worcestertriclub.co.uk

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